Why Afterschool Matters
Why Afterschool Matters
Afterschool In Mississippi
Afterschool is a lifeline that keeps youth safe, helps kids learn and grow, and provides parents the ability to work without worry. While Mississippi is home to more than 250 afterschool programs, the demand for programs exceeds available spaces. In fact, 1 in 3 Mississippi children (53 percent) who are not in an afterschool program would be enrolled if it were available. That’s more than 221,535 children who are missing out on opportunities to participate in programming that supports their development academically, socially and economically.

Afterschool In Mississippi

Afterschool is a lifeline that keeps youth safe, helps kids learn and grow, and provides parents the ability to work without worry. While Mississippi is home to more than 250 afterschool programs, the demand for programs exceeds available spaces. In fact, 1 in 3 Mississippi children (53 percent) who are not in an afterschool program would be enrolled if it were available. That’s more than 221,535 children who are missing out on opportunities to participate in programming that supports their development academically, socially and economically.
Mississippi After 3PM
Your support is advancing afterschool and summer programs in Mississippi

88% of parents are satisfied with their child’s overall afterschool program experience

For every child in an afterschool program in Mississippi, 3 more children are waiting to get in

48% of parents report that afterschool programs are not available in their community

86% of Mississippi parents are overwhelmingly in favor of public funding for afterschool programs

There are 168,751 children (42%) who are not in a summer program, but would be enrolled if a program were available to them

There are 48,363 children with STEM learning opportunities in afterschool programs
Mississippi After 3PM
Your support is advancing afterschool and summer programs in Mississippi
88% of parents are satisfied with their child’s overall afterschool program experience
For every child in an afterschool program in Mississippi, 3 more children are waiting to get in
48% of parents report that afterschool programs are not available in their community
86% of Mississippi parents are overwhelmingly in favor of public funding for afterschool programs
There are 168,751 children (42%) who are not in a summer program, but would be enrolled if a program were available to them
There are 48,363 children with STEM learning opportunities in afterschool programs
Resources sorted by type for easy reference
Summer Learning
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STEM In Afterschool
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Accelerated Learning: COVID Response
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