- Growing Math – Provides ready-to-roll-out lessons and games combining math, agricultural science and Indigenous history and culture that can be easily used in classrooms, via hybrid models or through distance learning. The project will provide resources, curriculum, training and tech support to teachers and students in Grades 3-8 at schools in six states: Arizona, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon and South Dakota. For schools in the region, all participation and resources are supported through USDA funds.
- The National Center for Quality Afterschool – Math in Afterschool – The National Partnership for Quality Afterschool Learning developed professional development guides for four content areas of the toolkit: literacy, math, technology, and the arts.
Securing Funding and Long-Term Sustainability Webinar
Looking to secure funding for your afterschool program? Sign up for our 'Securing Funding and Long-Term Sustainability' webinar on November 20 at 2 p.m. ET. Discover essential funding sources, hear expert strategies for staying in local and federal budgets, and gain insights from successful afterschool programs keeping their doors open for the community!