The Million Girls Moonshot aims to raise awareness of the following four research-based practices — Equity and Inclusion, Engineering Mindsets, Role Model, Mentors, and Families, and STEM Pathways and Transition — proven to remove barriers to access and quality STEM learning experiences. Resources, toolkits, blogs, and activities that elevate these four Transformative Practices can be found below and on the Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit
July-September 2024
- Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework.
- Afterschool Math Plus – FHI 360: Afterschool Math Plus is an evidence-based program that provides fun, real-world mathematics activities for students in grades three through eight. Materials include a culturally relevant curriculum designed around four thematic units that engage children. Each unit emphasizes identity development, careers, role models, strategies for family involvement, and inclusion of students with disabilities through an equity lens. Includes career connections.
- 5 Ways to Get Parents More Involved in Schools: When schools figure out how to truly partner and work with parents, caregivers, and families, it can be game-changing for students’ academic achievement and social-emotional skills. Check out five principles behind effective family and community engagement.
- Seven Ways to Promote Positive Communications With Families: One of the most meaningful and effective ways to improve rapport with families is by contacting them with positive news about their child. Together, positive communication systems are one of a handful of high-leverage practices that can help us build more cohesive and trusting school communities. Read about seven ways to promote positive communication with families, teachers, and afterschool programs.
- Equity in Education: Evidence Based Strategies: Equity in education has become a common goal and guiding principle for modern school improvement and education reform efforts in the United States. But what does equity in education truly mean and how can it be achieved? This resource center is a one stop shop to help leaders and practitioners define exactly what is meant by “equity in education” vs. equality and materials to support youth and families.
- Women at NASA: Women have always played a critical role in NASA’s history. From the first black female engineer to the first female astronaut—many of our female pioneers have been the “first” to achieve something monumental in their fields. Today, the women of NASA continue to lead and inspire in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and truly make an impact on society. As we look ahead, we know it will take a diverse workforce to achieve our ambitious goals—like putting the first woman and first person of color on the Moon. NASA is committed to recruiting and retaining women in STEM to help the agency continue to push boundaries to achieve the impossible.
- Partnering with Multilingual Families: Engaging with families of students who are learning English is a powerful lever for fostering academic success and overall student well-being. The Ohio Afterschool Network has outlined effective strategies for engaging with families of english language learners in STEM.
- Hispanic Scientists and Engineers: Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by learning more about some of the many Hispanic and Latinx scientists and engineers who have made important contributions to science history.
- 5 Hispanic Scientists That Made Amazing Contributions To Science: Hispanic scientists that made amazing contributions to science.
- Mexican virologist Susana López Charretón uncovered rotaviruses’ secrets: Susana López Charretón is among Mexico’s leading virologists. She has been awarded the UNESCO–Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology and the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science award.
- The Role of Informal Learning Environments in STEM Education: This article highlights the benefits of STEM education in informal spaces including museums and libraries, and lists some assessment techniques to be used in informal spaces.
- Strategies and Resources to Support Effective Family Engagement: The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation, hosted a six-month webinar series designed to boost family engagement practices. The conversations brought together education leaders and practitioners from across the United States to share resources and evidence-based strategies that bridge the gap between home and school. Check out the video recordings here.