Hi! My name’s Sam Wynns, and I am an explorer by heart. I grew up with the ultimate backyard – Yellowstone National Park where I spent my summers exploring its majesty and wildness. Out in nature, I felt simultaneously at peace and awestruck by what I observed; infinitely small and connected to everything at the same time. When I would witness a grizzly bear and her cub, or an Osprey diving into the water to catch a fish, I knew that I had to share these experiences with everyone. I knew I wanted to study the stunning diversity of life on this planet. As I aged, my awareness of how humans affect life on this planet grew. I remember sitting on the carpet in front of my t.v. and crying at images of birds covered in oil from the Exxon Valdez disaster. I began to recognize that that cherished diversity of life was at risk. I knew that I needed to protect it. As a biologist, I both study and learn about nature and then communicate what I’ve learned with others. I’m so fortunate to be able to share my passion for the preservation of the wild and to inspire others to join me in my quest.
Biologist Samantha Wynns has always been a nature geek. Growing up on the outskirts of Yellowstone National Park, she spent her summers hiking mountains, rafting rivers, and observing the wild. Sam knew from an early age that she wanted to study and protect these beautiful places and the creatures that live in them. She is a conservation biologist that both does science and communicates science. Sam now proudly works with the National Park Service at Cabrillo National Monument where she wears many hats: gathering data as a field biologist, educating youth and the public as a science educator, and bringing the Parks-to-the-People with community outreach. During any given day she can be found wrangling snakes (gently and respectfully, of course), leading a STEM summer camp for underserved girls, or giving scientific lectures out in the community. In every role, Sam’s goal is to illuminate and inspire a passion for STEM and a commitment to environmental stewardship. She, her husband, two rescue cats, and a very friendly parrot live in beautiful San Diego, California.