The Mississippi Statewide Afterschool Network works to better our state and its communities by connecting providers, parents and policymakers with proven tools and resources to increase the quality of and access to out-of-school time programming for K-12 children and youth.


Afterschool is a lifeline that keeps youth safe, helps kids learn and grow, and provides parents the ability to work without worry. 

Mississippi has hundreds of afterschool and summer learning programs across the state for children and families. Use this map to find a program in your area.

Mississippi has hundreds of afterschool and summer learning programs across the state for children and families. Use this map to find a program in your area.

January STEM Activities for Programs

Jan 3, 2022 | Million Girls Moonshot, STEM in Afterschool

  • STEM Educators Academy Activity Toolkit from ExpandED Schools — This Activity Toolkit offers hybrid learning engineering design challenges, STEM facilitation skill builder videos, and engineering design activities categorized by content areas. 
  • Take Flight – Using everyday materials, youth engineer a glider that can fly straight for 15 feet.
  • Keep Your Cool! Design Your Own Cooler Challenge – Youth design a cooler that will keep a bottle of water cool using the engineering design process. They test their prototype and graph their results to determine the effectiveness of the solution.
  • Design a Watercraft – Youth engineering a small boat out of straws and plastic wrap that can hold weight.
  • Get it Write! – Youth engineering a writing device (pen) using everyday materials. They think about both the (water soluble) “ink” and the delivery mechanism.
