The Mississippi Statewide Afterschool Network works to better our state and its communities by connecting providers, parents and policymakers with proven tools and resources to increase the quality of and access to out-of-school time programming for K-12 children and youth.


Afterschool is a lifeline that keeps youth safe, helps kids learn and grow, and provides parents the ability to work without worry. 

Mississippi has hundreds of afterschool and summer learning programs across the state for children and families. Use this map to find a program in your area.

Mississippi has hundreds of afterschool and summer learning programs across the state for children and families. Use this map to find a program in your area.

May 2024 Funding Opportunities

May 3, 2024 | Funding Opportunities, Local Funding Opportunities

Project Brainy

Deadline: May 17, 2024

🚀 Opportunity alert! OST programs, get ready to level up your curriculum with Project Brainy’s innovative neuroscience-based approach! 🧠 Apply now for the chance to participate in summer programming and receive training, support, and a $1,500 stipend. Deadline: May 17th. Don’t wait – seize the opportunity today! 




Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – Culture of Health Prize

Maximum Grant Amount: $250,000

Deadline: June 3, 2024

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is accepting applications to the Culture of Health Prize. This award honors the work of communities that are at the forefront of addressing structural racism and other injustices to advance health, opportunity, and equity for all.

Previous Prize winners are creating the conditions to enable residents to reach their best health and wellbeing, each working on several key aspects-such as access to healthy foods, transportation, safe and affordable housing, economic opportunity, clean water and air, reproductive justice, and Native and Indigenous peoples’ sovereignty.

Every community’s journey and strategies are unique, but across the board, Prize communities create and sustain deep cross-sector partnerships. These partnerships create the resilient infrastructure needed for making incremental wins and creating big change.

The Prize recognizes the collective work of communities whose efforts show us that improving health and equity is possible



Mississippi Arts Commission – Mini Grant

Maximum Grant Amount $1,000

Deadline June 1, 2024


The Mississippi Arts Commission accepts applications for mini-grants semi-annually.

Organizations may not apply for funding to present the same artist or consultant in consecutive years. Organizations who have received a Project or Operating Grant from MAC are eligible to also apply for a Minigrant. However, Minigrant funding is normally limited and priority will be given to applicants who have not received other funding from MAC during that same year. In addition, colleges and universities will receive a lower priority than other applicants.

Priority will also be given to organizations residing in MAC’s identified underserved counties, high-poverty counties or extremely rural areas, as well as organizations led by or serving BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color), individuals with disabilities, veterans and those serving other typically underserved groups.


Grants require a dollar for dollar cash match.


Organizations that can apply for a Minigrant must:

  • Be based in Mississippi
  • Be incorporated in Mississippi as a 501c3 nonprofit organization OR
  • Be a unit of local government, such as a school, library, or another county or municipal agency. Units of local government may be required to provide documentation of their status as a governmental agency.

2024 Application Periods

Round 1

May 1 – June 1

Round 2

October 1 – November 1



United Way of Southeast MS Community Initiative Grant 

Deadline: June 2024

United Way of Southeast Mississippi offers small initiative grants (up to $5,000) to nonprofit organizations or community groups conducting projects to benefit a nonprofit organization. The nonprofit organization must be located in Forrest, Lamar, Marion or Perry county and projects must address a community need in the area of health, education, and/or economic mobility. Projects addressing needs directly related to United Way of Southeast Mississippi’s impact area goals will be prioritized for funding. These funds are restricted to one-time expenses or short-term projects and not designed for ongoing program expenses, event sponsorship, or capital campaigns. Applications will be reviewed by the Community Impact Executive Committee in the last week of each quarter (June, September, December and March). A nonprofit organization can only receive one approved initiative grant per fiscal year (April-March).

Apply Now



Saucony Run for Good Foundation Grant

Deadline: June 15, 2024

The Saucony Run For Good Foundation is now accepting applications for grants to help run down the childhood obesity epidemic. The grants are open to community nonprofit organizations that initiate and support running programs for kids.

Apply Now



Healthy Kids Initiative – Playground Equipment

Deadline: June 28, 2024

Countless studies have shown that play is critical for physical, social, and cognitive childhood development. Our HEALTHY KIDS INITIATIVE is designed to support the building of new playgrounds or updating existing playgrounds across the country by offering additional funding to expand your budget.

Apply Now



United Way of East MS Community Investment Mini-Grant (Project Based)

Deadline: July 18, 2024

Community Impact Mini-Grants will provide funding for short-term projects with one-time expenses that will have a positive impact on the East Mississippi Area. This application is for registered 501(c) 3 non-profits serving populations in Clarke, Kemper, Lauderdale, and Neshoba counties in the areas of Health, Financial Stability, and/or Support Services impact areas. Grants are available to any non-profit agency or community group serving on behalf of a nonprofit agency as long as the project meets grant requirements. Maximum funding available in the 2024-2025 grant year is up to $5000 per agency or community group. Mini-Grant applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis, and funds distributed the following quarter. The amount awarded per grant is based on funding availability.

Application Information: All application materials  must be received by 5pm on the submission deadline to be considered complete and eligible for review. Below are the submission deadlines and funds disbursement timeframes. These funds are not designed to support ongoing program expenses, to sponsor annual events, or to fund capital campaigns. Examples of inappropriate funding requests include support of operational expenses, salaries, scholarships, and consulting fees. Individuals are NOT eligible to apply for a grant.

Apply Now



PEER Education Grant

Deadline: July 24, 2024

Children who learn about autism develop better, more inclusive relationships with their autistic peers. OAR is committed to increasing autism acceptance through the Peer Education Grant by delivering Kit for Kids materials and funds to support relevant educational activities. Starting this year, OAR will award grants of up to $10,000 for school district-wide projects; OAR will continue to award grants ranging from $500 to $5,000 for all other projects of lesser scope.

Teachers, administrators, parents, youth group organizers, and autism professionals interested in organizing an autism awareness initiative at a school or other community-based organization may apply. Eligible organizations include but are not limited to K-12 public schools, districts, libraries, and 501(c)(3) non-profits in the United States. This includes U.S. military installations overseas. School districts and organizations that serve low-income communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

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Kars 4 Kids Grant – Small Grant Program

Are you a 501c3 organization with a central focus of doing original work on behalf of America’s children? We want to hear from you. We accept submissions from all US-based, nonsectarian, IRS-recognized nonprofit organizations. Grants typically range from $500-$2,000, depending on such factors as mission alignment and availability of funds.

Apply Now
