About the JPS Summer Enrichment RFP
The Jackson Public School District will host an in-person free summer enrichment camp from June 6 – July 1, 2022, for all current 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th-grade students. JPS seeks collaborative community-based partners to provide research-based support for scholars’ academic recovery from learning lost due to COVID-19 pandemic related extended school closures.
Potential partners must meet preliminary program standards to be considered as a provider and if selected, must demonstrate high-quality service in order to continue serving as a provider. Deadline to apply is April 15.
Learn more about the RFP and apply today: https://www.jackson.k12.ms.us/Page/2413
Resources you can consult in preparing your proposal:
- The Mississippi Afterschool Network works to better our state and its communities by connecting providers, parents, and policymakers with proven tools and resources to increase the quality of and access to high-quality programming. www.msafterschool.org
- Evidence-Based Interventions: Summer Learning or Enrichment and Comprehensive Afterschool Programs https://bit.ly/EvidenceBasedAfterschoolandSummer
- Planning for Impactful Summer Learning 2021 http://bit.ly/SummerImpactPlan
- Help Kids Recover Evidence-Based Strategies https://www.helpkidsrecover.org/evidence-based-strategies/
- Summer Learning Toolkit: Evidence-Based Tools and Guidance for Delivering Effective Programs https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/summer-learning/toolkit/pages/default.aspx
- You for Youth: Summer Learning Initiative Tools and Webinars https://y4y.ed.gov/summerlearning/tools
About JPS:
- JPS Committments – https://www.jackson.k12.ms.us/cms/lib/MS01910533/Centricity/Domain/4497/jps_strategic_plan_commitments.pdf
- JPS Core Values – https://www.jackson.k12.ms.us/Page/2191
For in-depth information, watch the information session below: