PEAR staff provides ongoing technical assistance, quarterly data reports, and online data management support for all DoS observers for two years post-certification.
DOS Program Planning Tool Training
The DoS-PPT is a free resource for facilitators of out-of-school and in-school STEM learning programs. The planning tool provides a brief introduction to each dimension of the DoS framework, sample videos, and examples to guide the use of DoS when preparing activity plans for youth. During this training, participants will:
- Develop high-level understanding of the DoS Framework, dimensions of quality
- Working with the PPT learn how to plan high quality STEM learning experiences using the DoS Program Planning Tool
- Work with the newly revised DoS Program Planning Tool to identify and plan for high-quality program and activity planning practices.
Dates and times are:
August 2 and 4th 2:00 – 3:30pm EST (attendance required both days)
JOIN ZOOM MEETING; ID: 86096341901 and Passcode: 872162; (US) +1 646-876-9923 and Passcode: 872162
DOS Certification Training
The training process involves a two-day live webinar training, completion of video calibration exercises, a one-hour live calibration session, and successful completion of two practice observations in the field. PEAR staff offer live, webinar DoS training monthly and in-person training for state networks or organizations can be arranged as needed for an additional cost. PEAR staff provides ongoing technical assistance, quarterly data reports, and online data management support for all DoS observers for two years post-certification.
Dates and times are:
July 13-14, 2022; 10am-4pm ET. (register by June 29)
October 19-20; 10-4pm ET. (register by October 5)
Recertification Training for DOS Observers
Please note that observers that have been certified for two or more years need to complete recertification to make sure they are continuing to use the tool reliably.
Dates and times are:
August 9, 2022; 10-1pm ET (register by July 26)
November 8, 2022; 10-1pm ET (register by October 25)