by Mississippi Statewide Afterschool Network | Jun 20, 2022 | Academics & Enrichment, Million Girls Moonshot, Research and Best Practices, STEM in Afterschool
ACRES is a nationally acclaimed coaching program that builds knowledge and skills so after school educators, librarians and anyone who works with youth in out-of-school settings can confidently facilitate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) experiences...
by Mississippi Statewide Afterschool Network | Jun 20, 2022 | Academics & Enrichment, Afterschool in Mississippi, Million Girls Moonshot, Research and Best Practices, STEM in Afterschool
PEAR staff provides ongoing technical assistance, quarterly data reports, and online data management support for all DoS observers for two years post-certification. DOS Program Planning Tool Training The DoS-PPT is a free resource for facilitators of...
by Mississippi Statewide Afterschool Network | Apr 10, 2022 | Academics & Enrichment, Afterschool in Mississippi, Million Girls Moonshot, Research and Best Practices, School & Community Partnerships, STEM in Afterschool
STEAM Resources for Libraries May 17th 11:00 am – 12:00 pm PT / 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET Libraries are instrumental in bringing high-quality STEAM experiences to their communities. Join us to learn about resources and opportunities specifically designed for...
by Emily Barnes | Sep 8, 2021 | Research and Best Practices
The power of using data to drive decision-making has become a mainstay in most industries, and in recent years has begun to take hold in the afterschool programming space, where data can help decision makers evaluate the quality of a program, as well as shed light on...
by Emily Barnes | Sep 8, 2021 | Accelerating Learning, Research and Best Practices
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools across the country to confront unprecedented challenges. A months-long disruption of school has exacerbated longstanding inequities in our education system at a moment when the nation has faced a reckoning with systemic racism...
by Emily Barnes | Sep 8, 2021 | Academics & Enrichment, Research and Best Practices
The COVID‑19 pandemic has disrupted so many aspects of life, and educators have experienced unprecedented challenges. Click here to read more.